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Roxanna is the Program Advisor for Area 5. Roxanna joined the IESE Network with 15 years of teaching experience in both general and special education, and over a decade supporting Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) & Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) initiatives of ISBE.

- Roxanna Alldredge


Meggi is the Grant Assistant for the IESE Network, bringing 13+ years of experience in Social Work & Office Administration. She excels in connecting with & empowering others, fostering a supportive environment for success, & making a positive impact through her interactions.

- Meggi Aspengren

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Dr. Barwegen is the Program Evaluator for the IESE Network. As the CEO & Senior Researcher at Barwegen Consulting Group, Inc., she's served as an external evaluator since 2008 for organizations such as: the National Science Foundation, the US Dept. of Ed., ISBE, several IL Regional Offices & INTC.

- Dr. Laura Barwegen

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Emily is a Regional Specialist for Area 2. Before joining the IESE Network, Emily was a Special Education teacher for 8 years in a variety of settings at both the elementary & high school level. She also has experience in planning & implementing PD & new teacher programs.

- Emily Brodko

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Christine is a Regional Specialist for Area 3 / ROE #51. Before joining the IESE network, she spent 25 years as a classroom teacher involved with gifted education, the AVID program at the middle school level, and Social Emotional programs. She is passionate about supporting teachers and students.

- Christine Craddock

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Shauna is the Program Advisor for Area 1. Before joining the IESE Network, Shauna spent over 10 yearas a Math Teacher, Curriculum Leader & Instructional Coach. She has a strong background in Math, MTSS, & school improvement and is passionate about developing strong relationships with students.

- Shauna Dinges


Jennifer is the Program Advisor for Area 3. Before joining the IESE Network, she was a public elementary school teacher for 18 years and has worked as both a Special Educator and Dual Language Educator during her time in the classroom.

- Jennifer Houch


Shelly is a Regional Specialist in Area 3 working through ROE#51. With over 30 years experience as a special educator, case manager, and department chair, we are blessed to tap into Shelly’s vast special education knowledge.

- Shelly Lewis-Nielsen

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Kelly is a Regional Specialist for Area 1 / ROE #47. She joined the IESE Network with over 20 years of experience in both public and private school settings at the elementary and high school level. Kelly has taught in both special education & regular education classrooms.

- Kelly Marcum


Melinda is the Program Advisor for Area 4. She joined the IESE Network with experience as a building administrator and special education teacher and has also served in a variety of building capacities. Melinda has a passion for empowering the specialized population of students and parents.

- Melinda Miethe


SaeHan is the Program Advisor for Area 2. Prior to IESE, he was a Special Education teacher for 12 years at Champaign Unit 4 school district. He spent his time as an ED Resource Teacher, a Cross-Cat teacher & ED Itinerant while focusing on supporting educators & students with challenging behaviors .

- SaeHan Park


Annika is a Regional Specialist for Area 2/South Cook. She taught in primarily self-contained & resource special education settings, both in New Orleans & Chicago. She holds a Master's in Education Law & is passionate about advocacy, educational equity, & creating systems.

- Annika White


Stephanie is the Grant Coordinator for the IESE Nework. She served as an IESE Network Regional Specialist for 21-22 and joined the team with over 19 years combined experience teaching P-12 students with disabilities and pre-service special education teachers at the university level.

- Stephanie Woodley


- Jeff Vose

Fun Facts & STATS


Continuous Improvement Agreements as of May 2024


High-Quality PD Events with over 20,000 participants since September 2022


Mentoring/Coaching sessions since September 2022


Networking & Roundtable meetings since September 2022

IESE Supports & services

IESE network's IMPact

Quotation Marks
"I am so grateful for the professional development provided by the IESE network. This has enhanced my knowledge of best practices when writing Present Levels of Performance, IEP goals and Progress Monitoring...."
-Kathryn N., Special Education Teacher
"We have significantly enhanced our special education department through tailored professional development that addresses both our current and future needs. Our teachers have reported high satisfaction with the PD sessions and eagerly anticipate further opportunities...."
-Dr. David L., Director of Student Services
“Our staff has gained critical insights and practical strategies that have directly enhanced student learning. The PD offered has provided a strong foundation not only for hands-on skills, but also for fostering collaboration, problem-solving & continuous improvement..."
-Sarah F., Director of Special Education
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“We are incredibly grateful for the PD and support provided through our partnership with the IESE Network. Our area has needed someone to provide support for special education for years. The PD is meaningful and full of strategies that staff can use in their classrooms..."
-Dr. Carrie A., Director of Student Services
“We are deeply grateful for the opportunity our classroom teachers have had to collaborate with the IESE Network. Their expertise and support have been invaluable in our mission to provide the best education for all our students…”
-Posen-Robbins School District 143.5 /Eisenhower Coop/ISC 4
