Happy Valentine's Day!
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Diercks
Valentine's Day image
Tuesday, February 12, 2019 is Lincoln's Birthday. Our office will be open.
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Diercks
Lincoln's birthday image
Today is World Read Aloud Day. What will you be reading?
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Diercks
World Read Aloud Day image
ROE 9 office will open at 9:30 on Thursday morning. Stay warm and see everyone tomorrow.
about 6 years ago, Shelby
Due to the projected forecast our office will be closed on Wednesday, January 30, 2019.
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Diercks
Office Closed due to weather image
There will be a total lunar eclipse tonight, January 20, 2019. It will begin at 8:36 PM CST with totality at 10:41 PM.
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Diercks
Lunar Eclipse Image
Our office will be closed on Monday, January 21, 2019.
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Diercks
Office Closed image
Hopefully you had a chance to enjoy the snow this weekend.
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Diercks
Champaign Snow Photo
The dust has settled! New furniture has arrived and was installed. The new offices are ready to be occupied.
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Diercks
Office space
Reception area
Collaboration room
Please pardon our dust. From December 24, 2018, through January 2, 2019, our office was closed for renovations. These photos show the space prior to construction starting and the office walls being built.
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Diercks
Construction Photos
Construction Photos
Construction Photos
Construction Photos
Our office will be closed December 24, 2018 - January 2, 2019 for renovations.
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Diercks
Office Closed
Treats and hot chocolate are ready to go.
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Diercks
Treat table
ROE and SchoolWorks staff are setting up to serve hot chocolate and treats at READY.
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Diercks
Decorations at READY
Trooper Tracy training today at ROE 9!
over 6 years ago, Shelby
Trooper Tracy training at ROE 9 today!!
LOVING the message from Brian Mendler at RSAC! He addresses the issues which destroyed my husband's educational journey. @BrianMendler #pd #loveallkids
over 6 years ago, Jeri Callaway, ROE SW Director
Brian Mendler reminds us to love ALL kids!
200 years ago today, Illinois became the 21st state in the Union. Happy Birthday Illinois!
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Diercks
Illinois Birthday Image
Our Office will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Diercks
Office hours
Congratulations to Kim Nix on completing her National Dropout Prevention Specialist Certification! http://dropoutprevention.org/people/certification-specialist/
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Diercks
Photo Kim Nix
Congratulations to Barb Keil on your retirement!
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Diercks
Barb Keil Retirement Open House
We hope you have a safe, treat filled evening!
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Diercks
Happy Halloween Graphic