November 11th is Veterans Day. Thank you to all who served. Our office will be open today.

Happy Friday

The Illinois State Historical Society was founded in 1899 to foster awareness, understanding, research, preservation, and recognition of history in Illinois. Visit their website for information on the Verna Ross Orndorff Scholarship - https://bit.ly/2NI1opN.

Applications are open for Golden Apple Scholars of Illinois. Golden Apple is an Illinois nonprofit that is committed to preparing, supporting and mentoring aspiring teachers. For more information visit - https://www.goldenapple.org/scholars

Daylight Saving Time ends this weekend. On Sunday, November 3, 2019, remember to turn your clock back 1 hour.

We hope your day is filled with treats! Happy Halloween.

Free flu shots are being offered by the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District and C-U At Home on Wednesday, November 13th at Noon. Please refer to the flyer for location information.

Red Ribbon week continues through Thursday, October 31st.

The Great Water Design Challenge will be held at the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy on Wednesday, Nov. 20th. The registration deadline is Oct. 28th. Visit the website for registration and info on teams. https://www.imsa.edu/site_section/problem-based-learning/

Illini Division Superintendent meeting with many ROE 9 Superintendents learning about Principal preparation and development.

Happy National Boss's Day!

On Wednesday, October 16, our office will close at 2:30 so that staff can participate in the READY 4K. Thank you for your understanding.

Our office is closed today, Monday, October 14th.

Our office will be closed on Monday, October 14, 2019.

The focus for World Mental Health Day 2019 is suicide prevention. The goal is to raise awareness of the scale of suicide around the world and the role that each of us can play to help prevent it.

The University of Illinois Lab School is looking for a School Counselor. Apply using this link: http://www.illinoiseducationjobbank.org/Job-Posting/120279/School-Counselor/job-details

October is National Bullying Prevention Month. During this month the 2nd Wednesday is observed as National Stop Bullying Day. You can participate by making friends with someone you do not know, challenging others to be kind, and standing up for others. #bekind

CATCH My Breath Youth E-Cigarette and JUUL Prevention Program is FREE to U.S. Schools. Visit catch.org for more information.

Red Ribbon Week is October 23 - 31. Visit http://redribbon.org/ to get your theme and planning guide, find curriculum ideas, and look for Red Ribbon activities.