
She grew up in Georgetown, lives in Sidney, taught in Armstrong, Westville and Watseka, landed her first principal job in Danville and debuted as a district administrator in Urbana.

Next stop for proud East Central Illinoisan KIM NORTON: Broadlands/Homer, home to the Heritage school district.

Come July 1, the lifelong educator will officially take over as superintendent, moving into the office soon to be vacated by the retiring Tom Davis.

A former Georgetown-Ridge Farm cross country runner, Norton has served as Urbana schools’ assistant superintendent for student learning since 2019 following a four-year run as Danville High principal.

The mother of Chase, Ethan and Samuel, who enjoys landscaping and gardening on the 22-acre family farm, finished her schooling just last year, when she was awarded her doctor of education degree from Illinois State University.

Norton, who was honored in 2018 with a Distinguished Graduate Student Award from Eastern Illinois University, took time out to answer questions from

I can’t live without my ... technology, and my bookkeeper, Mrs. Deana Wolf.

My philosophy on meetings is ... to have a tight agenda and stay on topic with it being purposeful and the best use of everyone’s time.

The hardest thing about being a leader is ... accepting that not everyone will view you favorably.

The three adjectives I hope my staff would use to describe me are … approachable, resourceful and responsive.

When it comes to my single favorite moment in my new job … I have already enjoyed meeting so many pleasant people at Heritage — students, staff and families.

It truly feels like home.

On my office walls, you’ll find … pictures of family, pets and accomplishments.

My professional role models are ... former administrators that I worked with: Mr. Mike Hogg in Kentucky; Mr. Mark Denman, retired Danville superintendent; and Dr. David Bartz, Eastern Illinois University professor, who always supported and inspired me.

If I could trade places for a week with any other business person in town, I wouldn’t mind switching with … anyone working with animals — a pet groomer, a job at a petting zoo. Animals provide therapeutic, unconditional love.

My one unbreakable rule of the workplace is … trust.

The first thing I do when I get to work most days is … reflect on the day and tackle the hardest things first.

When it comes to winding down after work … I appreciate taking in the country landscape and enjoying our lovely three dogs.

The most beneficial college class I took was … school law and facilities with Dr. Bartz at EIU. It was challenging and fulfilling from an academic standpoint.

The last good book I read was … “Stick Together,” by Jon Gordon. This is inspirational for building strong teams.

I’m up and at ’em every day by ... 4:30 a.m. typically.

As far as my exercise routine goes … I try to do a 10-mile run once a week and fill in with elliptical and shorter distances.

I knew this is what I wanted to do for a living … in third grade. I knew that I wanted to be a teacher.

Thanks to Mrs. Boen, she inspired a lifelong love for learning. She modeled patience and kindness.